Isaac Kaplan pretty much summed up how I feel about hotels on Pesach. In his piece, he mentions that a sum equal to these exorbitant amounts of money spent on hotel stays should be contributed to charity. Meaning, if a wealthy family ...
If you read the rest of his statement he talks about Yeshivah students learning during bvacation/b to help the war effort. I havn't seen any article which suggests he is talking about the UN or France or Russia. 8/04/2006 3:59 PM b....../b Dovid Hamelech would of never allowed a "memshalah" which would allow such massive chilul shabbos, chilul bkevarim/b, autotopsies, pritzus, mixed dancing, shopping malls and bars open on shabbos, girl soldiers.... In Dovid Hamelech's army, ...